A Practice in Consistency


Ahhhhh, hello hello! It’s been a quick minute.

I recently realized just how much content is in this blog already. I’ve traveled a whole awful lot, met a ton of people and SPILLED MY GUTS about all of them. And now here they are, reading my very candid recounts of them. It’s WILD.

But anyway, my point is…. actually. I don’t know what my point is. I’m a little unsure why I’m here. Well, except for the update.


I am a boss ass bitch today. (and everyday). I officially ordered business cards, got a website, got clients lined up, sent out emails, networked, did important inventory of expenses (ahhh cringe), and got my life together. You heard me right. This is ooooone wild ride.


I’m gyming every morning, I’m getting my hydration in, I’m werkin on myself and it feels fantastic. I cannot wait to hike around NZ, visit old friends, make new ones, create things I love, and get back to the full, ridiculous, candid ellen that was in these older posts. Go check her out, she’s hilarious.


Onwards. I’ve got to get back to homework…probably... (shh, don’t talk about it)

xx ellen