Quick Detour! - Catalonia Politics, Center Stage


Alright. I'm taking a quick detour from travel updates to give you a little photoset of one of my favorite experiences. If you haven't heard already, there is tension between the Spanish government and Catalonia (the geographic region around Barcelona). Among other reasons, the Catalans feel they provide more economic benefit to the country than the country provides in return and want to declare independence. Last friday, October 27th, the Catalan parliament cast their votes to declare independence from Spain. I was in one of the riots at the time, and had the opportunity to photograph the incredibly moving scene. This is what I got.travsSP-19travsSP-2travsSP-3travsSP-22travsSP-5travsSPtravsSP-23travsSP-20Okay. That's a few of them. I'm starting to get really proud of my photography these days. Thanks for hanging out. Now, off to Madrid!