Ellen Carty Photo & Design

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I Am A Disgrace (An Update)

I admit it. I am the worst blogger in blogging history. I didn't even drop my June playlist of the month (mostly because I got too busy to make one) and I have been completely garbage at updating you guys on my trip that I got back from almost 2 months ago!! I know, I know, I know. I'll try harder this time. In fact, I might just photo drop the entire trip and see if you guys can just connect the dots and see where I went... Just kidding. A post will follow soon hopefully.So. Where am I now. What am I up too. Why have I abandoned you all. So many unanswered questions that I'm sure have been rattling around in your head the past couple months. Ah, well I won't keep you waiting any longer!I am back in my hometown of Kodiak, Alaska. Currently working on our family boat, the F/V Stella, reading a plethora of books on my reading list and putting in hours on the piano of all things. My recent activities have included complaining about being altitude restrained as my healing achilles continues to prevent my hiking endeavors, spending much too much time worrying about the frequency of my instagram posts, putting in steps up, down, around the boat and impulse buying a tandem kayak without realizing I might actually need a friend if I'd like to go. The typical Ellen activities of course.Although pretty common summer activities, I find myself slightly off this year. On a precipice, I suppose. You know how sometimes you just kind of feel off? Everything could be perfect... you could be in good health, have a great job, have people who care for and love you and still feel... restless. I think that's it. Restless. It's like I can't quite sit still but I also can't quite move, you know? Maybe you don't. Maybe I'm just weird. But here I am regardless. Restless. A change gonna come, oh yes it will... (That's right. I'm basically Sam Cooke)Okay. That's it for now. I promise I'll update on my adventures soon. Thanks for sticking with me. Love you tons.