The "Things That Make Me Happy" Post
I live on an island off the coast of Alaska. For the last three weeks, the clouds have made it their mission to completely destroy any chance I had of spending the spring outside. It has been either fogged out, lashing rain or hailing every day since I came home. Needless to say, SAD (Seasonal-Affective-Disorder) is setting in. In light of this, I decided today that I don't want to foster negative thoughts.So. Here's to spending an hour with a good playlist and a cup of tea, thinking of all the things that make me happy.
- Having six-pack abs. (Granted, I have never had six-pack abs. The best I've got is maybe some flabby indents when I flex. BUT I'm sure when I get there, it will make me pretty happy.)
- Sunday morning breakfasts
- Waffles made with anything and everything, especially chocolate
- Finding new music on spotify and making playlists
- Ab workouts (In hopes of #1)
- Yoga with the sun streaming in the windows
- Flying on airplanes
- Calculus. (Oh yes. I know it's an odd activity, but calculus gets me going. )
- Raisins
- Seeing boys in the store buying flowers because you know they're about to make someone's day
- Getting to know new people
- The 'running high'
- Traveling to new places
- The color pink
- The sunset from a hammock
- The sunrise from a tent
- The sunrise from a mountaintop
- Coconut oil
- Hiking new mountains
- Looking at other people's photos
- Vegan food
- Indian food
- Buying balloons for no reason
- Really big cookies
- Summiting mountains
- To Be Continueddddd